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Partition "PUB-Web development" (active)

Edge Peers:

IPExternal IPOSStatus1Load2CPU / Mem.Actions
UPBUniversität Paderborn, Germany (XXX)
131.234.XXX.XXXn/aLinuxOK0.09 (12:30)2x 2.66 GHz / 4 GBlogfile; remove from partition
131.234.XXX.XXXn/aLinuxOK0.06 (12:31)2x 2.66 GHz / 4 GBlogfile; remove from partition

1 On nodes with several virtual instances, the status is OK only if all virtual instances are working corrently, and FAILURE otherwise.
2 On Linux systems, this value is the 5-minute load average value. On Windows systems, this value is the average CPU utilization over the past 5 minutes.

add more nodes


Rendezvous Peer:



In case your are using additional peers outside the testbed, please remember to add the rendezvous peer above to rdvs.txt (pay attention to the port) and to delete your local .jxta folder when restarting.

using original JXTA JXTACH


latest logfile

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